About Us

Cloud Media Group with our Head Office in the United Kingdom is in the Media Entertainment, Telecommunications and Consultancy Business.

We provide Content to Broadcasters, Cable and Satellite television channel worldwide through our Media Partners. In addition we also provide content to internet television companies in some parts of the world. Our Partnerships with major Content production companies and Content Licence holders put us in a unique position to offer a wide range of content to our customers worldwide. We also have local presence in some countries in Asia. Cloud Media Entertainment initially started our operations focusing on Fashion Content. Since then we have come along way providing documentary television programming on science, technology & history, reality television, sports and News. We are in a position to offer live programs for Sports events in addition to Highlights and Archives programs form range of areas. If your need Television content for local and International broadcasting we are excited to hear from you.

We are also a Telecommunication Equipment and Service provider. Most of the TELCO's are currently undergoing transformation one way or other. With Digitalisation and fast changing Technologies, the Telecommunication Industry have to provide their customers with superior solution and services to keep their position in the Industry.. Cloud Media with our Partners around the world help our customers to stay ahead of their competition. 

Our IoT solutions give the freedom for monitoring and control home devices such as Television, Appliances, Utility usage, Security systems, CCTV, etc.. Enjoy 4K TV, play games, and download and upload content. 

Our WiFi solution ensure there are no more blind spots in your home or office and connect your devices to blanket your home with fast, reliable WiFi. Our WiFi system ensures powerful mesh WiFi in every corner of your home or office and even out side in your backyard. No more blind spots, poor Singleness, drop-offs and  buffering. We have the solutions

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